Just like in other municipalities, the Municipal Executive does not intend to include a ban on magnet fishing in a General Local Ordinance APV. It sees much more in good information about the dangers of this way of fishing and therefore plans to start activities in the field of information.
D66 councilors Fonda Sahla and Dennis Groenewold had asked the Board whether it is prepared to make a policy on magnet fishing after grenades and other explosives are regularly picked up by the magnet fishermen in The Hague waters.
In its answers, the Commission indicates that from January 2019 to June this year, police were deployed 39 times for incidents in which magnetic fishermen fished various projectiles with explosive charges. However, according to the city council, it cannot be stated with certainty how many explosives have been found. It is uncertain whether the police were deployed in all cases.
The Commission recognizes that magnet fishing not only entails risks, but that there is also a problem when magnet fishermen collect things and then leave them on the quay. Something that is not only prohibited under the 2010 Waste Ordinance, but that also promotes deterioration. Magnet fishing has become extremely popular in recent years. Fishing is done with a powerful fishing magnet on which you search the water for metal objects.
Renzo, Travis, Ramon and Chiel were on the afternoon of magnet fishing in the Grolse canal on Tuesday afternoon, July 21. They fished with a rope and a magnet that can collect a certain number of kilos. One of the boys said he has a magnet that can lift 450 kilos.
The boys were fishing behind the ‘t Ravelijn building on the Houtwal and were caught. They fetched and saw a suspiciously round piece of iron about four inches. The rusty object was thinner in front. They didn’t fully trust it and slowly let it down in the ditch, while the object was still attached to the magnet. |