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How to remove dark underarms

How to remove dark underarms

Dark under arms are usually because of two basic reasons. It can be response of skin from perspiration, alcohol deodorants etc. or it occurs due to regular use of hair removal creams or bleaching agents. Solutions are simple. You can employ few simple remedies to get rid of them in few days. 


Citrus fruits are excellent remedy for all skin problems. Orange peel is very useful in fading darkness from the under arms. Lemon peel and lemon juice acts as a mild bleaching agent when applied over dark under arms.


Cucumber is also very useful in resolving skin problems. Cucumber paste, when applied to dark under arms, cure that area and gives you a smooth dry skin. Cucumber is one of the best natural cure for dark under arms.


Potato is considered to be the best natural bleaching agent. It can be applied directly or can be used in the form of a paste. Strong bleaching agents cause irritation and darkens the skin further more. But unlike them potato does not possess such cruel properties. It does not cause any kind of reaction or irritation.


Aloe Vera is used to give special treatment to the skin. It helps in maintaining the beauty of the skin. It acts a bleaching agent when applied to the darker areas of skin. Therefore it is considered to be an effective cure to dark under arms. You can grab and rub an aloe Vera as it is or you can simply grate it in form of a paste or gel.


Baking powder and rose water paste is a typical home remedy for lightening dark under arms. Baking powder acts as a scrub and opens up unclogged pores. It removes dead cells as well and gives a new life to the skin. 

Skinlight Cream ( Popular product in the UK )

Or if you want to use a healthy skin cream you can choose Skinlight Whitening. As also written about in the news papers. This might be the best SKin cream ever made to lighten the skin whtin 8 – 12 weeks time.